vue window
英文名称:Window 中文名称:窗口/机会期1.获得或失去一个机会的一段限制性时间;2.进行证券交易的交割和清算的经纪行出纳部门;3.联邦储备银行的贴现窗口。e.g. There i···
Window Settlement
英文名称:Window Settlement 中文名称:窗口结算与对方券商在清算结束后所进行的实物交割。···
Discount Window
英文名称:Discount Window 中文名称:贴现窗口贴现窗口是美联储所采用的向合格银行发放短期贷款以维持其现金流动性的一种机制。贴现率是指此类短期贷款的利率。历史上,贴现窗···
Window Of Opportunity
A window of opportunity is a short time period during which an otherwise unattainable opportunity exists. After the window of opportunity closes, the opportuni···
Window Dressing
A strategy used by mutual fund and portfolio managers near the year or quarter end to improve the appearance of the portfolio/fund performance before presentin···
Brokerage Window
The ability to direct trading within a brokerage's offering through a retirement plan such as a 401(k). As opposed to being limited to the investment options w···
Window Dressing Dates
英文名称:Window Dressing Dates 中文名称:财务粉饰日指接近会计年度、半年度或季度结账的日子。···